Raymond Weber Livestream Full Video Is Viral On Facebook

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Reymond Weber’s video live stream viewers witnessed him with a gun and supposedly two dead bodies in the apartment.

He has been arrested and sentenced for double homicide. With deep condolences to the unfortunate ones, let’s dive into the situation and reveal to you what really happened.

Raymond Weber Livestream Full Video Is Viral On Facebook

Reymond Weber is a 29-year-old brother of rapper Marcus Weber who has popped up all over social media following his live streaming. He lived at a complex at 582 Rock Hill Road Vacaville.

In the video, Raymond Weber was seen holding a gun along with the dead body of a 15-year-old and a 27-year-old girl named Savannah Theberge. Savannah’s mother revealed that her daughter called her earlier to inform her that she is getting married to Raymond Weber. It seems that Savannah Weber and Raymond Weber were married.

.@VacavillePolice arrested and charged Raymond Michael Weber on two murder charges for the incident this morning on an apartment complex on Rock Hill Road. More on what happened this morning on @FOX40 News at 10pm. pic.twitter.com/nSmIKIusvJ

— Gurajpal Sangha (@GurajpalSangha) January 31, 2021

He was arrested by the Vacaville police at around 1 am according to Sacramento.

Vacaville Man Killings

Raymond Weber and his brother were also accused of killing 9-year-old Nicole Duarte in 2014.

She was Raymond Weber’s girlfriend. His brother Marcus Weber, a local rapper going by the name Uzzy Marcus has been arrested on no bail for endangering children’s lives and gun possession.

Moreover, the investigation has brought up other cases connecting him with other charges. A woman, who has not been revealed for safety reasons, claimed that she dated him sometime earlier and nearly shot her in the car. She has filed a complaint, but the officials explained that the investigations are underway. It seems that Vacaville has been raising 3 very notorious men.

Video And Case Update

Every social media has been filled with videos of Reymond Weber.

Along with this, other videos of him harassing other women have also popped up. For the purpose of information, some sources like The Daily Mail have published the censored video.

He was recently presented to the court that charged him with double homicide.
