Who Killed Maddie In School Spirits? Episode Recap and Review

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Maddie was killed by someone in the boiler room in School Spirits. The series follows a girl who searches for her murderer.

It was created by Megan and Nate Trinrud based on their book.

Peyton List, Kristian Flores, Milo Manheim, Spencer Macpherson, Kiara Pichardo. Rainbow Wedbell and Patrick Gilmore are the stars of the series.

The series was released on March 10, 2023. Following the three sequels, Xavier, Claire, and Mr. Anderson are the prime suspect in her murder.

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Who Killed Maddie In School Spirits?

Someone killed Maddie in a boiler room of Split River High School. Xavier, Claire, and Mr. Anderson are the suspects.

After her demise, she found herself in the afterlife in high school Split River High’s liminal space, where other deceased people have been for 100 years.

Among them, she became the only person who could communicate with the living. While others want to move on, she becomes eager to find the truth about her killer.

As a result, she uses her ability and starts searching for her murderer.

The first sequence focuses on her boyfriend, Xavier, and they suspect him of her murder.

Before her demise, he acted weird and even lied about his cell phone. Everybody suspects him as he didn’t submit the phone to the police and they were a couple for two or three days.

However, Maddie believed in him. She thought he wanted to find something about her.

It turned out he was cheating on Maddie with Claire, and he had the mobile because he sent her the message instead of Claire.

As a result, he took out the cell from her bag to clear the message.

Episode two focused on Claire, Xavier, and Mr. Anderson as the suspect.

After the incident, Xavier’s father suggests staying in his house for some days. As a result, Claire came to visit him, and they started talking about Maddie’s body.

Xavier was scared that someone would find it.

While Rhonda, Wally, and Charley said Claire was a murderer, she saved a girl. So Maddie no longer believed she could kill her.

When Simon and Maddie find the next piece of her phone, Mr. Anderson arrives and asks Simon to stay out of it.

He appeared as another suspect to have been involved in her murder. In the third episode, Maddie and Simon became sure through his phone conversation.

The Movie Episode 1 Ending and Recap

The series begins with the announcement of The Split River High principal Hartman about the missing person investigation. But Madison Nears, who they said was missing, has actually passed away.

She first met the deceased person Charley. Later, she meets other deceased people in the hall, a Spilt River High Afterlife Support Group.

She even made her way to them. She was even unaware who did this to her as they didn’t find her body, and there was blood on the walls of the boiler room.

Then she remembers that day while enjoying the time with her boyfriend, Xavier Baxter. After Simon arrived, she talked with him about the horror movie they planned to watch at the Apex.

Maddie saw her boyfriend doing something in his car from the class window. As a result, she followed him, but he lied about his cell phone.

Simon pointed out Xavier didn’t volunteer for the search party. As Simon fights with him, Maddie’s mobile comes out of Xavier’s bag. As a result, all suspect him as her kidnapper. But Maddie kept faith in him, thinking he had her mobile for some reason.

Police asked a question about him having Maddie’s cell phone, but the story turned out he cheated on her with Claire.

On the other hand, Simon thinks something happened to Maddie.

He watched Xavier when the police caught him from the window. At last, Maddie and Simon called each other names, and episode one ended.

Episode 2 Ending and Recap

Episode two continues with the shocking news after Maddie learns Simon can see her. She cleared out about the phone and the cheating scandal with Claire.

She asked him to search the body with her friend Nicole.

Xavier’s father asked him to stay home, but he thought he would look guilty. At the same time, the sheriff finds the DNA result in the boiler room.

In the morning, Maddie finds out the DNA matched the blood stains.

Meantime, Maddie talked about the possibility of Xavier being her murderer. Simon shared some memories of that day, including her mother, who came to school. As a result, she gets a flashback while lying in the boiler room.

As a result, they find the actual evidence. After Claire showed up at Xavier’s home, he confessed he was scared about people finding Maddie’s body. However, Claire said everything would be fine.

When Maddie finds out about the phone, she calls Simon, and they meet at an old auto shop. Simon suggests its the best place to dump a body and starts finding a clue.

Finally, they finds some pieces of her phone, and she asks Simon to call the store and asks for her serial number. They come out for help to Mr. Anderson and give the parts of her phone.

Episode 3 Ending and Recap

Episode 3 continued with Mr. Anderson stalking Simon. Simon felt it fishy as he appeared in an auto shop and started suspecting him as Maddie’s killer.

However, she didn’t think her teacher would ever do that to her because they had a good bonding, and even he helped her out during troubles.

Simon still has a doubt and ashed Nicole about the relationship between his teacher and Maddie. He even asked her to help him by searching Anderson’s desk for keys.

He found phone pieces in Anderson’s glove compartment and said it to Maddie. But she didn’t believe it again.

When Maddie liked Nicole’s photo, she went to a deserted factory to find her, and Xavier followed her.

After their conversation, they teamed up and started searching for Maddie.

When Simon confronts Mr. Anderson, he says he does not trust anyone, so he didn’t give those pieces to the police.

After she learns about Rhonda’s story, she starts to believe in Simon’s words. As a result, they search the classroom for potential clues.

When Mr. Anderson arrives in the room, they hide from him. He was talking with someone and talking about the money Maddie borrowed.

But Maddie claimed that she didn’t ask him for any money. Simon thought he killed her because of the cash.
