Matthew Noon Obituary: Celebrating Life Of A Boston College Alumnus

Publish date: 2024-05-18

The world lost a remarkable human being on September 8th, 2018, when Matthew Thomas Noon passed away unexpectedly at just thirty-three years of age. 

Matthew was an exceptional individual whose life was filled with kindness, determination, and unwavering loyalty to things he held dear to him. 

One such thing was his alma mater, Boston College, which he loved with an unparalleled passion. 

In this Mathew Noon obituary, we celebrate his life, the legacy he left behind, and the impact he continues to have on those whose lives he touched.

Early Life and education

Matthew Thomas Noon was born in Boston and raised in nearby Woburn.

He was the oldest of three children and showed an early passion for education, always going above and beyond in his studies. 

His natural curiosity and drive to succeed led him to Boston College, where he ultimately earned a degree in political science in 2008.

While at Boston College, Matthew immersed himself in the intense academic environment and made the most of his college experience. 

He was involved in numerous extracurricular activities, including the BC Pep Band and intramural sports, and he made lifelong connections with fellow students and faculty members. 

As he once put it, “going to Boston College was the best decision I ever made.”

A true Boston College fanatic

Matthew Noon’s love for Boston College extended beyond his college years.

He was a dedicated fan of BC sports, attending countless games and supporting the Eagles in every way possible. 

His infectious energy and unwavering school spirit were not limited to just cheering at games, however. 

He displayed his BC pride through his everyday life, sporting the college’s colors and logo on his clothing and even having a “Ever to Excel” tattoo inked on his arm.

Matthew Noon understood the importance of education and the impact that Boston College could have on his fellow students. 

He dedicated much of his life advocating for the importance of education, as well as the unbreakable bond between student and alma mater.

In 2015, Matthew’s love for Boston College led him to launch the BC Alumni Network, a volunteer network dedicated to building connections between alumni by sharing information, organizing events, and promoting the wellbeing of fellow alumni. 

The network has since grown exponentially and now boasts over 5,000 members in 35 countries worldwide.

The Matthew Thomas Noon Memorial Scholarship

One of the ways Matthew’s family wanted to honor his legacy was through an initiative that would showcase his deep connection to Boston College. 

They decided to establish the Matthew Thomas Noon Memorial Scholarship in collaboration with the college. 

This scholarship aims to support deserving students who embody the same dedication and passion that Matthew exhibited throughout his time at Boston College. 

The scholarship serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to personal growth, academic excellence, and communal involvement.

Final thoughts

Matthew Thomas Noon was an exceptional individual whose life was filled with passion and commitment to things that mattered most to him. 

Boston College was undoubtedly one of them, and the mark he left on the institution and its community will never be forgotten. 

His passing was a tremendous loss, but his family, friends, and colleagues remain dedicated to keeping his memory alive through initiatives such as the Matthew Thomas Noon Memorial Scholarship. 

Boston College was blessed to have him as an alum, even if only briefly.

May his legacy continue to inspire and motivate all those who seek to excel and to make a difference in the world.
