Paris Jackson Speaks Out About Her Relationship With Emile Hirsch

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Paris Jackson and Emile Hirsch's relationship has drawn a lot of speculation. The Into the Wild actor has posted multiple couple-like photos of the pair on Instagram, like the 'gram he shared on March 9, 2021. While the photo isn't too flirty, the caption, which reads, "Hiding out with you," has led to romance rumors. While most fans are here for the potential idea of this Hollywood couple, a few have pointed out the pair's large age gap. (Hirsch is 13 years older than Jackson.)

This lead to Jackson to speak up about their relationship. She responded to a negative comment about their age difference saying, "he's actually one of the youngest homies of mine." She added, "age is a number, i enjoy the company of people all ages. i am the student and teach[er] of people from 5 years younger than me to 50 years older than me. nothing wrong with that." 

On March 10, 2021 E! News reported that Jackson "clapped back" at the romance rumors by sharing an lol-worthy meme on her Instagram story. In the meme, the picture shows someone being chased with the text asking "is that your new bf?" It then also says, "P just taking a pic with a guy." As the outlet reported, Jackson commented below the meme, writing, "lmao." 

Are they actually together? It's a little hard to tell, but Jackson isn't one to stay mum.
