Jong-Woos family owns Gangwon-do cafe Super Sweet Corn Coffee

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Choi Jong-Woo, the affable contestant from Singles Inferno, holds a delightful secret close to his heart – a family-owned gem known as Super Sweet Corn Coffee. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Gangwon-do, this quaint cafe serves up an exceptional brew that has caught the attention of locals and visitors alike.

A Peek Inside Super Sweet Corn Coffee

The cafe’s enchanting location can be pinpointed at Gangwon, Gangneung-si, Nankungsul-ro, 144 82-7 Gallery Dance. For those eager to savor a cup of their signature creation, Gallery Bob cafe, within the Gallary Hills, is the place to be. It’s here that the inviting aroma of Super Sweet Corn Coffee wafts through the air.

A Revelation on Singles Inferno

As Seul-ki and Jong Woo shared a meal on Singles Inferno, the topic of their professions naturally arose. With a playful hint, Jong-Woo directed Seul-ki’s attention to the room they occupied. When she couldn’t quite fathom the riddle, he dropped another clue – the secret ingredient in his drink. That’s when he unveiled the heartwarming tale of his family’s cherished cafe.

A Serendipitous Connection

As the words “Super Sweet Corn Coffee” left Jong-Woo’s lips, Seul-ki’s eyes widened in recognition. She exclaimed, “I know that place,” leaving Jong-Woo pleasantly taken aback. Little did they know, their paths had crossed before the island of Singles Inferno, as Seul-ki had stumbled upon Jong-Woo’s Instagram page. A desire to taste the famed corn coffee had led her straight to Super Sweet Corn Coffee.

The Allure of Corn-Flavored Coffee

Intrigued by this unique revelation, fans of Singles Inferno took to platforms like Reddit to unravel the mystery of corn-flavored coffee. They exchanged experiences and speculated on the taste, wondering if others had ventured into this intriguing flavor profile. One fan shared, “The reviews say it’s famous for its corn coffee, just like they said on the show. They say you have to wait there for a while, and sometimes they sell out of it.”

A Culmination of Taste and Tradition

Super Sweet Corn Coffee isn’t just a place to savor a cup of Joe; it’s a testament to the dedication and love poured into every sip. Jong-Woo’s family legacy continues to enchant coffee enthusiasts, while the delightful tale of discovery shared by Seul-ki and Jong-Woo adds an extra layer of charm to this already beloved cafe.

As visitors step into Super Sweet Corn Coffee, they’re not just greeted by the warm aroma of coffee beans, but also by a rich tapestry of stories and connections that make every cup of coffee here truly special. It’s more than a cafe; it’s a testament to the power of family, flavor, and fate.
