Missing 4 Year Old Montana Ryker Webb Found Alive: Was Rescued After 2 Days

Publish date: 2024-05-19

4-year-old Ryker Webb from Montana was found alive after spending two days alone in the wilderness.

Thankfully, the boy was found Sunday in high spirits after being rescued. Although in a state and shock and quite frightened, he seemed healthy, although hungry, thirsty, and cold.

Ryker had some bruises on his face and appeared dehydrated and exhausted. Due to these reasons, authorities took him to Cabinet Peaks Medical Center for evaluation.

The 4-year-old boy was last seen playing with his dog outside his home on the east side of Bull Lake near the 18 mile-marker on Highway 56 on a Friday afternoon before he disappeared. His father had slipped inside for a few minutes, and Ryker wandered off.

His disappearance made the entire community panic as it was near-freezing temperature, especially in the wilderness, and the boy had only been wearing a onesie.

Luckily, the young boy had been sheltering in an empty log cabin and used a lawnmower bag to keep himself warm. Authorities believe that the boy went to seek shelter in that cabin when thunderstorms hit the area on Friday evening.

They claim it was a good idea as mountain lions and bears inhabit the region. The weather as well dropped to the low 40s during Ryan's disappearance.

Missing 4-Year-Old Montana Ryker Webb Found Alive

The entire community helped to search for the missing 4-years-old Ryker Webb as they combed through the Bull Lake area. He was later rescued alive after Two days.

Dozens of people helped in the search. Many searchers used ATVs, drones, dog teams, and boats to search for young Webb.


On Saturday, the Montana Air National Guard helicopters joined the search to find the young boy. Police from neighboring Flathead County and the Spokane Police were called to respond and sent additional dog teams and continued ground and ATV searching.

Due to the poor weather conditions, such as rain, which contributed to low visibility and low ceiling, the authorities could not get additional air assets into the Bull Lake valley.

Along with these searches, a code red alert was sent out to all neighbors nearby, and they were asked to search their properties and structures.

Finally, on Sunday, Webb was found two miles from his home on Pine Ridge Road off South Fork Bull River Road in Sanders County. He was found in reasonably good health for a young child who had been lost in the woods for two days.

His family discovered him when they went to check on the cabin. His voice could be heard from the shed where they keep a generator.

The boy had unintentionally left a trail of recently moved rocks due to his fascination with bugs and insects. It was due to this trail that his family found it easy to find the boy.

He was promptly called an ambulance and taken to a local hospital, the Cabinet Peaks Medical Center, to get checked out and remain in good health.

Ryker Webb's Parents

Ryker Webb's parents have not been publicly named, but the authorities have cast some suspicion toward them.

The boy's parents waited two hours before reporting the boy's disappearance. The local sheriff has stated they want to know more about why there was such a delay and why the boy wasn't watched more closely.


Although there is not any suspicion of foul play, the authorities have questioned the fact that it was during the father's watch that young Ryker disappeared. This has led to an active investigation as to why his parents waited two hours to report him missing.

How did Ryker Webb Survive: Rescued After 2 Days

Not much is known about Ryker's stay in the wilderness during his two-day disappearance in the wilderness.

When asked why he ran off, the boy stated that he walked out before he realized it had wandered too far from his home.

3-yr-old Ryker Webb was found safe in Montana after 2 days on his own, survived by seeking shelter in a shed during a thunder storm in rural Montana after he wandered away from his home. Ryker was reported missing Friday afternoon and found on Sunday, some 2 miles from his home.. pic.twitter.com/2wdzUoeNgW

— GoodNewsCorrespondent (@GoodNewsCorres1) June 8, 2022

Thankfully, sometime during the two days he was missing, he found his way to his family's shed and stayed there, using a lawnmower bag to keep himself warm.

He didn't eat or drink anything the entire time he was missing.
