Mum mourning 12-year-old daughter wants everyone to see video of her being attacked

Publish date: 2024-05-20

A devastated mum wants everyone to witness this video of her daughter, 12, being attacked by a bully.

After spending four nights in hospital, Semina Halliwell died on June 12.

Prior to that Semina had been raped at an address in Southport on February 25, Merseyside Police confirmed.

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Her mum, Rachel Halliwell, told the ECHO Semina was "traumatised" and had reported being raped and then bullied online.

Rachel said: "After having her innocence taken, Semina was bullied online on a daily basis. She couldn't take it any more."

Today she has released footage to the public of Semina being attacked on two different occasions.

Rachel says she believes the incidents took place in parks near to their home in Southport, and happened around a month after the alleged rape.

The videos appear to show Semina being hit, kicked, and dragged to the floor.

Rachel said: "I want the whole country to see what my daughter went through.

"I will not stop until I get justice for my baby."

Screenshots seen by the ECHO appear to show people continuing to mock Semina on Snapchat even after her death, threatening to "trash" her grave.

Semina's case was heard by parliamentary committee on June 23, when Labour MP Apsana Begum asked Education Secretary Gavin Williamson what more can be done to help protect children from sexual harassment and abuse.

Ms Begum said: "I wanted to highlight the case of Semina who was 12 years old who disclosed that she'd been raped, and has committed suicide last week."

Merseyside Police is investigating a report of rape, and a "number of allegations relating to the same alleged victim received before and since her tragic death".

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A spokesman said: "A report was received on March 23 that a 12-year-old girl had been raped at an address in Southport on February 25. An investigation was launched and a juvenile voluntarily attended a police station for interview.

"Extensive enquiries are ongoing into this allegation and other matters relating to the same alleged victim, and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage."

Semina's funeral will take place on July 23. Rachel says anyone who knew and loved Semina is invited, to "celebrate her short life."

If you're struggling and need to talk, the Samaritans operates a free helpline open 24/7 on 116 123. Alternatively, you can email if you'd prefer to write down how you feel. You are not alone.

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