IVE reveals first look of dorms on variety show, leaves audiences surprised

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Starship Entertainment’s treatment of IVE was recently praised by netizens online due to the group's spacious living conditions. The rookie girl group’s dorms were revealed for the first time on national television on MBC’s variety show, Omniscient Point of Interference, in its April 10 broadcast. The dorms were spacious and clean, unlike other cramped dorms K-pop fans were used to seeing.

Some members shared a room, while others had their individual rooms. Netizens were pleasantly surprised knowing how the girl group members were living and even discussed how far the K-pop industry has come to treat rookie groups.

Take a sneak peek into the spacious dorms of IVE

On April 10, MBC’s variety show, Omniscient Point of Interference, revealed Starship Entertainment’s talented rookie girl group IVE’s dorms for the first time to the public. In the episode, members discussed their daily lives and their activities.

IVE’s dorm apartment consists of 4 bedrooms, a shared living room and kitchen, a walk-in closet, and two bathrooms. Pictures of the dorms were shared, too, and the spacious living room gained the most praise and shock from both the show’s MCs and the viewers.

The dorm (Image via MBC Entertainment/YouTube)

The room has a ceiling to the floor glass window on one side, a walk-in closet, chairs, a dining table, and a kitchen on the other side.

The girl group's dorm (Image via MBC Entertainment/YouTube)

The biggest room in the apartment is shared by Gaeul, Rei, and Leeseo, while Yujin, Wonyoung, and Liz each have a separate bedroom. When asked about the decision on who would take the private bedrooms and who would share the rooms, Wonyoung replied that the team considered everyone’s priority.

Individual rooms in the dorm (Image via MBC Entertainment/YouTube)
The shared dorm room (Image via MBC Entertainment/YouTube)

Members who liked living alone and members who wanted to live together put forth their opinions, said Wonyoung. MCs talked about whether the hierarchy influenced their decision. Yujin quickly addressed that Gaeul, the group’s eldest, did not want to live alone and wanted to share her room, so she ended up in the big room.

Fans' reaction to the Eleven girl group's dorms

Netizens took to Twitter to praise IVE’s dorms and living conditions. Some compared the living conditions of the rookie girl groups to the general treatment of rookie groups in the past, which included cramped spaces and no private bedrooms.

One user even commented on how "different" the Eleven girl group and other new groups are being treated in comparison to the rookie groups in the past.

A major shift in the treatment could be the growing popularity of K-pop. For IVE in particular, some believe that it is also because of Wonyoung and Yujin, former IZ*ONE members. Meanwhile, the girl group is currently promoting their second album, LOVE DIVE.

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