Mystery Of Cathy Whitehead Murder What Happened To Her?

Publish date: 2024-05-21

A victim, Whitehead, lived in an apartment in Rockdale County, Georgia. On the night of Thursday, April 14, 1983, Donald Glen Everett came to her house and knocked on the door of her apartment in Rockdale County. 

He told her she had a phone call from her fiance at a nearby pay telephone. She was excited to talk and went without thinking for a minute.

However, in a shocking turn of events, she never returned home. On the next day’s morning, Cathay’s mother went to find her in the nearby areas. 

Later, her mother found her abandoned car beside the pay phone and saw that Whitehead’s car door was open and the keys were missing.

The authorities had been investigating Caty Whitehead’s missing case for an extended period. 

One year later, investigators arrested Donald Glen Everett when the police discovered that he had been talking to others about Cathy and her disappearance.

Authorities were led to an abandoned well in Gwinnett County. They recovered decomposed and severely burned human remains, clothing, and a blue blanket. 

Though severely burned and badly decomposed body, the remains of a part were removed from the well. 

Some clothing and a blue blanket were also removed. The precise cause of death could not be determined due to the decomposition of the remains, but it was determined that the end was a homicide.

Although an autopsy was impossible, the police determined that the human remains and the objects belonged to Cathy. 

Moreover, authorities even affirmed the manner of death to be a homicide.

Later, Donald confessed his involvement in Cathy’s murder when investigators inquired about the murder.

He also confessed his girlfriend, Tina Short, her mother, Hazel, and Hazel’s nephew, Nickie Ford also involved with him in the Whitehead murder case.

Later police achieved succes in arresting them as a suspect during the investigation. Still, Hazel denied all the accusations against her, and after asking for an attorney, she decided to confess everything. 

Hazel also revealed that When they kidnaped Cathy, Tine drove the car, and Nickie sat in the passenger seat.

She was then stabbed in the arm and locked in the trunk of a vehicle before being moved to an abandoned car in Gwinnett County. 

The perpetrators then burned the victim before strangling her and throwing her into a well. With a complete confession, the police made their arrests and brought the victim’s family closure.

Confession of the criminals- Where are they now?

Once presented in court, Donald testified and claimed he was only involved in luring the victim out of her home and then disposing of the body.

On the other hand, Hazel didn’t testify, but her statement was read to the jury. Ultimately, Donald Everett pleaded guilty to kidnapping and was sentenced to life in prison in 1986.

On the flip side, Hazel Louise Short was convicted of kidnapping with bodily injury and murder, which netted her two consecutive life sentences.

According to the show, Donald and Hazel are currently out of prison, with Donald gaining parole in 1993, while Hazel was released in 2018.

Since Hazel’s release, she has lived a private life and prefers to avoid the public eye. With a limited presence on social media and no recent reports on her life, her current whereabouts remain unclear. 

Meanwhile, Donald seems to be in a happy marriage and resides in Covington, Georgia, with his wife and two children.
