Susan Attenborough and Robert Attenborough: Who are David Attenborough's children

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Who are David Attenborough’s daughter and son?

Susan Attenborough and Robert Attenborough are the children of David Attenborough and his late wife Jane Elizabeth Ebsworth Oriel. Susan and Robert’s father Attenborough is an English broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and author. The 96-year-old natural historian and TV documentary presenter has given the public more than 100 programs – covering the majesty of nature, the wonders of wildlife, and the dangers of climate change. Apart from giving this world some wonderful documentaries and programs, he also added two beautiful children- Susan and Robert Attenborough.

How old is Susan Attenborough?

How old is David Attenborough’s daughter? Information related to Susan Attenborough’s age, date of birth, and the exact place she was born are not available but according to some fans’ speculations, Susan will be in her 60 years plus in 2022. Very little is known about David’s daughter.

However, it is known to many fans that Susan Attenborough is a former primary school headmistress. According to Susan’s IMDB profile, She has been credited with two documentaries. She has been credited with David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet and Life on Air: David Attenborough’s 50 Years in Television. She was credited with special thanks in both documentaries.

How old is Robert Attenborough?

Robert Attenborough gained much of his popularity from being the son of the famous TV broadcaster. Just like her sister, there isn’t much information made available to be public related to her age, date of birth, and place of birth. Robert Attenborough is also believed to be 60 years plus as of 2022.

While his sister is a former school teacher, Robert is a senior lecturer in bioanthropology for the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University in Canberra. It seems both children followed the footsteps of the father to impart knowledge to the world.

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Sir David wants Children to children to be educated and exposed to the natural world.

As a natural scientist, it is normal for him to want other people to also experience what it is like to be in the field that he loves so much. No wonder his children also took similar steps. In a 2020 interview with The Times, David revealed that he wanted children to be educated and exposed to the natural world.

The Natural Scientist said: “I think it’s terrible that children should grow up without knowing what a tadpole is. Just awful. “I can’t criticise other people how they bring up their children, but in my time I could, and did, get on a bicycle and cycle 15 miles to a quarry and spend the day looking for dragonflies, grass snakes and newts.”

David Attenborough regrets missing some of his Children’s Youth

In 2017, Sir was interviewed by Louis Theroux in the Radio Times. During the talk, the broadcaster opened up about his beloved children- Robert Attenborough and Susan Attenborough. He talked about how he regrets missing some of his children’s youth.

While talking to Theroux who is also a father of three, he said: “If I do have regrets, it is that when my children were the same age as your children, I was away for three months at a time. “If you have a child of six or eight and you miss three months of his or her life, it’s irreplaceable. You miss something.”

That is not the first time Sir David Attenborough talked about his children in an interview. While talking to The Times, he shared a story from Robert’s childhood, to be precise, his eighth birthday. David Shared how he gave his son Robert a salamander (a lizard-like animal) as a present, just like Sir David’s father had done.

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The happy father who was excited to be able to share such a moment with his son shared: “We unpacked this – it came in a box – I took it out and showed him.”I said, ‘Now there you are.’ This thing just sat on his hand. I said, ‘Put him in his new home.’ “He put him in his new home, and it very slowly walked down to the water, and there out from beneath its tail came a little one. “My son looked at that with his eyes coming out of his head – as did I.”

Are David and Susan Attenborough Alive?

As of 2022, there have been no news or Headlines about the death of David Attenborough’s son Robert Attenbough or about his daughter Susan Attenborough. Though they are the children of a popular personality, they have hardly made the news or headlines in recent times.
