What Is Bonnie Hanssen Doing? Celebrity

Publish date: 2024-05-21

In the face of worldwide publicity about one of the most damaging espionage breaches in U.S. history, Bonnie Hanssen, 54, has maintained a steadfast silence since her husband of nearly 30 years was arrested in February near their home in suburban Washington.

Today, Mrs. Hanssen is teaching at a Catholic school in suburban Virginia and is living in the house she shared with her husband and their six children. Under Mr. Hanssen’s plea bargain, she will receive the survivor’s part of his bureau pension, as well as the right to keep the home.

Bonnie Hanssen’s Catholic faith does not allow her to waver, and when asked the inevitable questions about the future she always answers the same way. “I’ll never divorce him.

Furthermore, Hanssen was also secretly making videotapes of his wife and himself having sex and sharing the tape with his friends. (Hanssen pleaded guilty to numerous charges and is currently serving a life sentence.)

Who is Bonnie Hanssen’s husband?

“Please be aware how deeply Mrs. Hanssen regrets the damage that her husband, Robert Hanssen, has caused to our country and to their family,” the statement said.

Brookner said that the only time Bonnie Hanssen harbored any suspicions about her husband’s activities came around 1979 or 1980, when they lived in Scarsdale, N.Y. “She walked in on him and he covered up some papers, so she got suspicious,” Brookner said.

The plea bargain allows Bonnie Hanssen to receive about 55% of Hanssen’s pension, which will total an estimated $39,000 per year. In her statement, Bonnie Hanssen thanked government officials for allowing her to retain the pension and for recognizing that “she and the children clearly are innocent victims.”.

As a devout Catholic, Bonnie Hanssen “feels that he needs time [in prison]

But Brookner said Hanssen’s family “was never the beneficiary” of any spy money and that Bonnie Hanssen has no idea what happened to the proceeds from his spying, including $800,000 that authorities say the Russians deposited for him in a Moscow bank. Advertisement.

Why did Bonnie Hanssen choose to speak out?

Now she says she has chosen to speak out at last because she wants to answer one question she has heard dozens of times: How could Robert P.

In about 1985 , after they had moved back to Washington and Mr. Hanssen was working at F.B.I. headquarters in a senior counterintelligence post, he told his wife that he had paid off the debt, she told the Justice Department. That fall, Mr. Hanssen was transferred back to New York as a supervisor in charge of a counterintelligence squad.


The test lasted several hours. She agreed to describe the results, Ms. Brookner said, because they exonerated Mrs. Hanssen. A Justice Department spokesman, citing the inspector general’s continuing review of the Hanssen case, refused to comment.

They drove to New Rochelle to meet with the Rev. Robert P. Bucciarelli, a priest affiliated with Opus Dei, a conservative Catholic organization the Hanssens had joined several years earlier. Father Bucciarelli came up with a plan to save Mr. Hanssen from prison, Mrs. Hanssen told investigators during the polygraph test, her lawyer said. …

officer based in Washington. In it he betrayed three Soviet officers who were working for the Central Intelligence Agency and the bureau. All three were arrested; two were executed.

Many of the questions centered on assertions made by Mrs. Hanssen’s brother, Mark Wauck, an F.B.I. agent in Chicago. He reportedly told his supervisors in 1990 that he suspected that Robert Hanssen was a spy after his own wife told him that, during a visit to the Hanssen home, Mrs. Hanssen told her she had become alarmed after discovering $5,000.

But Mr. Hanssen was not tricking the Russians; he was a Russian spy and had been working for the G.R.U., Soviet military intelligence, since 1979. In fact, he had already betrayed one of the United States’ most important agents: Gen. Dmitri Polyakov of the G.R.U. General Polyakov had been spying for the United States since the early 1960’s, …

Where is Hanssen in prison?

From the Crime Library story on Hanssen: Hanssen will spend the rest of his life at a federal prison in Lewisburg, Penn. It is a three-hour drive from Washington and his family has promised to be there each weekend.

Acsenray October 13, 2008, 3:49pm #1. I just watched Breach, the movie based on the capture of the mole Robert Hanssen, whose passing of information to the Russians constituted perhaps the most serious damage to U.S. national security. In addition to being a spy, Hanssen was also apparently an ultra-conservative Catholic, involved in Opus Dei, …

In addition to being a spy, Hanssen was also apparently an ultra-conservative Catholic, involved in Opus Dei, and had a habit of imposing his religious views on his subordinates. Furthermore, Hanssen was also secretly making videotapes of his wife and himself having sex and sharing the tape with his friends.
