Is Brad Todd and Chuck Todd related?

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Brad Todd is an entrepreneur and a political figure. He is well known for serving as a strategist for the Republican Party.

He earned his first paycheck as a writer at age 14 and has since not pipe down.

As a sixth-generation native of the rural Clax Gap community in East Tennessee, Brad is recognized for advertising that matches the cultural nuances of his audience.

A refugee from journalism, Brad managed winning campaigns and led a state party before stumbling onto his future as an ad-maker.

His clients have defeated five incumbent U.S. Senators, leading the industry, along with four governors and over two dozen congressmen. He now provides strategic and messaging advice to top-tier national commercial brands, sports teams, foundations, think tanks, et al.

Todd’s television ads have been noted in the national media as “devastatingly effective”.

Brad founded Coach to Cure MD, a national charity project involving America’s college football coaches to raise awareness and research dollars for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

He has a B.A. from Rhodes College and an M.A. from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife Elizabeth, their two kids, and some ferocious Boston Terriers.

Todd is the co-author of The Great Revolt, a Washington Post best-selling book about the current realignment underway in American politics. He frequently writes opinions columns of which many are published in POLITICO,,, etc.

Is Brad Todd and Chuck Todd related?

Brad and Chuck have no relation to each other regardless of sharing the same surname.

The two were linked as brothers because they expressed their opinions on a common issue in 2018.

Brad had unraveled he is not related to Chuck in reply on Twitter.

A Twitter user had asked on the platform if Brad was Chuck’s brother of which Brad nullified all the rumors and speculation with the reply;

nope. no relation “@DeckOfficer: Whoa, #dailyrundown @BradOnMessage is chucktodd ‘s brother, right?”

— Brad Todd (@BradOnMessage) April 26, 2013.

Ironically, the duo appears quite similar in terms of facial appearance. Besides, they both are related to political issues. This has made many still believe they are brothers.

However, the Republican strategist has denied any relations, hence any rumors asserting they are related is a hoax.
