Notti Osama dead body photos and videos

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Ethan Reyes, a Yonkers-based rising drill rapper known as Notti Osama, died at the age of 14. Osama was killed by an accused assailant who stabbed the rapper to death.

Kelvin Martinez, a 15-year-old boy, has been identified as the murderer. Martinez is accused of puncturing the rapper’s liver at a Harlem subway station at 3 p.m. on Saturday.

Despite being transferred to Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital, Osama did not survive.

According to police, Osama was involved in a street brawl with Martinez, a member of a rival group who had migrated to the subway platform.

Martinez’s indictment was reduced from second-degree murder to first-degree manslaughter after prosecutors determined that Osama had encircled Martinez and challenged him with a broomstick, but Martinez was outnumbered by Osama and his company.

Nonetheless, according to accounts, Osama and the 15-year-old alleged killer got into a struggle that overflowed into the subway station, where he shoved Martinez into the tracks before fatally stabbing him.

Notti Osama’s dead body photos and videos
