Sarah Bloom Raskin net worth in 2022

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Sarah Bloom Raskin, a former deputy secretary of the United States Treasury, has been named the Colin W. Brown Distinguished Professor of the Practice of Law for 2021. She was previously a Rubenstein Fellow and a visiting professor of law practice at Duke.

How much does Sarah Bloom Raskin make?

The 61-year-old served as the Treasury Department’s second-in-command from 2014 to 2017, where she was known for her pursuit of innovative solutions to improve Americans’ shared prosperity, the resilience of the country’s critical financial infrastructure, and the defense of consumer safeguards in the financial marketplace.

Sarah Bloom Raskin net worth in 2022

She was a national and international champion of cybersecurity in the financial sector, helping to raise awareness of the issue among corporate executives and boards.

Her efforts, which included leading the development of the G-7 Fundamental Elements of Cybersecurity for the Financial Sector, helped to make the financial sector more secure and resilient in the face of increasingly daring economic factors.

Sarah Bloom is one of the most well-paid attorneys in the States having a net worth of over $5 million dollars. On yearly basis, she earns above $500,000 dollars on average.
