Stephen Harper posts alleged pic of star witness 'Kitty' in Dwight Howard s*xual assault case, Masin

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Dwight Howard is facing sexual assault allegations by a man named Stephen Harper. Harper has filed a civil lawsuit accusing Howard of assault and battery, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The lawsuit states that Howard allegedly forced Harper to perform sexual acts without consent.

According to Radar Online, the incident happened on July 19, 2021, at Howard's Atlanta residence. Another crucial detail in the complaint mentioned the presence of another man who wanted to be addressed as 'Kitty' and was engaged in sexual acts with the former LA Lakers star.

Harper said he was forced by Howard to join him and 'Kitty.' So far, 'Kitty's' identity has been undisclosed. But Harper has taken to Instagram, posting an alleged picture of him. Here's the photo:

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Harper's Instagram story was reshared by Masin Elije.

The picture was reshared by Masin Elije, who had filed a lawsuit against Dwight Howard in 2018. Elije claimed he was in a relationship with the former NBA star and was prevented from speaking about it after being offered money to keep quiet.

Stephen Harper publicly calls out Dwight Howard

Stephen Harper hasn't just allegedly revealed 'Kitty's' identity through his latest social media activity. The alleged victim in the Dwight Howard sexual assault case has released a public story, calling out the three-time Defensive Player of the Year. Harper also revealed some alleged details about 'Kitty.'

"'Kitty' is an older unattractive person in their 40s," Harper wrote on Instagram. "Hours into me being at Dwight Howard's home, he ambushed me with this person. "Dwight never showed me pictures of Kitty nor disclosed their gender. Kitty walked in with a full beard, 2 inch heels and a 28pcs church wig. Immediately, I was thrown off, uncomfortable and expressed that I wanted to leave."
Harper's Instagram story

Harper then claimed that Howard forced him to be dropped home by 'Kitty' instead of taking an Uber. A recent report by Radar Online said that 'Kitty' allegedly issued a death threat to Harper while they were on their way to the latter's home.

“According to Harper, (Kitty) advised him to keep everything a secret or someone will put a bullet in his head,” read the report filed by Gwinnett County Police Department.

While Harper didn't mention the complaint about the death threat, he did elaborate on how the traumatic situation impacted him. He also revealed he didn't speak about the situation due to fear and intimidation.

Dwight Howard has denied these allegations and claimed that everything that went down at his Atlanta residence was consensual. He is yet to publicly address the situation. However, he has made cryptic social media posts recently, calling out his haters after being subject to heavy trolling online after news broke about these allegations.

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